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Writing Jobs 16/09/11

Every Friday we will publish the latest in job listings for writers so please bookmark the Creative Competitor and check out our site regularly.The following job listings have all been recently advertised online.

Press Preferences – Blogging Software Explained

Press Preferences – Blogging Software Explained

Understanding a few of the more common blog creation software programs can help any blogger make an informed choice about their particular needs and get their message out in the most efficient way. Here are a few of them.

Some Thoughts on Speciality Blogging

Blogging is held up in many circles as the epitome of the personal project. Blogs are praised for their focus on the personality of the blogger, the flexibility of the medium and the relatively limitless topics that can be blogged on. Let’s have a look at some of the pros and cons alike of dedicating a blog to a particular topic.

Blog Management – Know When to Let Go

Blog Management – Know When to Let Go

Sometimes a topic just isn’t working – you can tell when you’re writing it, and you can tell when you’re reading it. Maybe the humor is forced, tired, or rote. Maybe the blogger didn’t go into the same level of interesting side detail that he usually does, or perhaps her topic looks like she fell back on a safe and reliable piece

Good Press: Promoting Your Blog

There are numerous ways to get a blog noticed and mentioned online. Some are good and others are atrocious. We’re all aware of “that guy” who simply joins conversations online and says, “Wow, that’s interesting. Hey, have you read my blog about…”

Plan Your Writing Day

Over the years, I have tried and tested many different ways to enable myself to be more productive with my writing. From getting up at some unearthly hour and hoping that the creative part of my brain would kick into gear, to writing at …….

Writing – It Can Seriously Take Over Your Life

I have heard some people say that writing should not consume too big a part of your life but how can it not when you have trained your brain to recognise creative opportunities as they occur?

Set up a Freelance Writing Blog in your Spare Time

Setting up a freelance writing blog can be great fun albeit a challenge if time is limited, but don’t let that put you off, Creative Competitor Annette Young says planning is all important